============ CHANGELOG ============= Version 7.4.0-0-r05 2025-02-24 * Updated mongodb to 8.0.5 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.4.0 * Updated virtualenv to 20.29.2 * Updated node to 18.20.7 Version 7.4.0-0-r04 2025-02-10 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.3.9 * Updated apache to 2.4.63 * Updated yq to 4.45.1 * Updated mongodb-database-tools to 100.11.0 * Updated node to 18.20.6 * Updated bncert to 2.0.1 * Updated python to 3.12.9 * Updated setuptools to 75.8.0 * Updated virtualenv to 20.29.1 Version 7.4.0-0-r03 2025-01-11 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.3.8 * Updated python to 3.12.8 * Updated virtualenv to 20.28.1 * Updated redis to 7.4.2 Version 7.4.0-0-r02 2024-12-24 * Maintenance release Version 7.4.0-0-r01 2024-12-24 * Maintenance release Version 7.4.0-0 2024-12-24 * Updated mongodb to 8.0.4 * Updated node to 18.20.5 * Updated python to 3.13.1 * Updated yq to 4.44.6 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.3.7 * Updated parse to 7.4.0 Version 7.3.0-0-r04 2024-11-27 * Updated mongodb to 8.0.3 * Updated yq to 4.44.5 * Removed bndiagnostic * Updated python to 3.13.0 * Updated virtualenv to 20.28.0 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.3.3 * Updated node to 22.11.0 Version 7.3.0-0-r03 2024-10-24 * Maintenance release Version 7.3.0-0-r02 2024-10-23 * Updated mongodb to 8.0.1 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.3.2 * Updated parse-dashboard to 6.0.0 * Updated virtualenv to 20.27.0 Version 7.3.0-0-r01 2024-10-08 * Updated mongodb to 8.0.0 Version 7.3.0-0 2024-10-04 * Updated redis to 7.4.1 * Updated python to 3.12.7 * Updated parse to 7.3.0 Version 7.2.0-0-r04 2024-09-30 * Updated virtualenv to 20.26.6 Version 7.2.0-0-r03 2024-09-23 * Updated python to 3.12.6 * Updated virtualenv to 20.26.5 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.3.1 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.14 * Updated apr to 1.7.5 * Updated modsecurity to 3.0.13 Version 7.2.0-0-r02 2024-08-23 * Updated python to 3.12.5 * Updated setuptools to 70.3.0 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.3.0 Version 7.2.0-0-r01 2024-08-09 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.2.15 * Updated redis to 7.4.0 * Updated mongodb-database-tools to 100.10.0 * Updated yq to 4.44.3 * Updated apache to 2.4.62 Version 7.2.0-0 2024-07-10 * Updated apache to 2.4.61 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.2.11 * Updated parse to 7.2.0 * Updated render-template to 1.0.7 * Updated wait-for-port to 1.0.8 * Updated node to 18.20.4 Version 7.0.0-0-r05 2024-07-02 * Updated yq to 4.44.2 * Updated apache to 2.4.60 * Removed express-generator * Removed forever * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.2.10 * Updated virtualenv to 20.26.3 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.12 * Updated mongodb-database-tools to 100.9.5 Version 7.0.0-0-r04 2024-06-13 * Updated bndiagnostic to 1.0.4 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.2.6 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.11 * Updated node to 18.20.3 * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.4.0 Version 7.0.0-0-r03 2024-05-14 * Updated virtualenv to 20.26.2 Version 6.5.5-0-r98 2024-05-14 * Updated virtualenv to 20.26.2 Version 6.5.5-0-r97 2024-05-13 * Updated virtualenv to 20.26.1 * Updated yq to 4.44.1 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.9 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.2.5 Version 7.0.0-0-r02 2024-05-13 * Updated yq to 4.44.1 * Updated mongodb-shell to 2.2.5 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.9 * Updated virtualenv to 20.26.1 Version 6.5.5-0-r96 2024-04-13 * Updated node to 18.20.2 * Updated apache to 2.4.59 Version 7.0.0-0-r01 2024-04-13 * Updated apache to 2.4.59 * Updated node to 18.20.2 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.8 Version 6.5.5-0-r95 2024-04-04 * Removed gonit * Updated node to 18.20.1 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.8 * Updated python to 3.11.9 * Updated yq to 4.43.1 Version 7.0.0-0 2024-04-04 * First release for 7 Version 6.5.5-0 2024-03-19 * Updated parse to 6.5.5 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.7 Version 6.5.4-0 2024-03-16 * Updated parse to 6.5.4 Version 6.5.3-0 2024-03-16 * Updated parse to 6.5.3 Version 6.5.2-0-r01 2024-03-08 * Updated bncert to 2.0.0 Version 5.6.0-0-r03 2024-03-08 * Updated bncert to 2.0.0 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.6 Version 6.5.2-0 2024-03-06 * Maintenance release Version 5.6.0-0-r02 2024-03-06 * Updated yq to 4.42.1 Version 6.5.2-0 2024-03-03 * Updated parse to 6.5.2 Version 6.5.1-0 2024-03-02 * Updated parse to 6.5.1 Version 6.5.0-0 2024-03-01 * Updated parse to 6.5.0 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.6 * Updated yq to 4.42.1 Version 6.4.0-0-r85 2024-02-22 * Updated node to 18.19.1 * Updated python to 3.11.8 * Updated virtualenv to 20.25.1 * Updated yq to 4.41.1 Version 5.6.0-0-r85 2024-02-22 * Updated yq to 4.41.1 * Updated node to 18.19.1 * Updated python to 3.11.8 * Updated virtualenv to 20.25.1 Version 6.4.0-0-r84 2024-02-06 * Updated modsecurity to 3.0.12 Version 5.6.0-0-r84 2024-02-06 * Added mongodb-database-tools * Added redis * Added apr * Added apr-util * Added modsecurity2 * Added modsecurity * Added modsecurity-apache * Added gonit * Added express-generator * Added forever * Added setuptools * Added pip * Added virtualenv Version 6.4.0-0-r01 2024-02-06 * Added mongodb-database-tools * Added gonit * Added setuptools * Added pip * Added virtualenv * Added redis * Added apr * Added apr-util * Added modsecurity2 * Added modsecurity * Added modsecurity-apache * Added express-generator * Added forever Version 6.4.0-0-r04 2024-01-22 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.5 Version 5.6.0-0-r05 2024-01-15 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.5 Version 5.6.0-0-r04 2024-01-10 * Updated bndiagnostic to 1.0.3 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.4 * Updated node to 18.19.0 * Updated python to 3.11.7 * Updated yq to 4.40.5 Version 6.4.0-0-r03 2024-01-04 * Maintenance release Version 6.4.0-0-r02 2023-12-20 * Updated bndiagnostic to 1.0.3 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.4 * Updated node to 18.19.0 * Updated python to 3.11.7 * Updated yq to 4.40.5 Version 5.6.0-0-r02 2023-11-27 * Updated node to 18.18.2 * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.3.0 * Updated yq to 4.40.3 Version 6.4.0-0 2023-11-17 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.3 * Updated node to 18.18.2 * Updated parse to 6.4.0 * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.3.0 * Updated yq to 4.40.1 Version 5.6.0-0-r01 2023-11-10 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.3 * Updated yq to 4.40.1 Version 6.3.1-0-r01 2023-11-07 * Updated python to 3.11.6 Version 5.6.0-0 2023-10-26 * Updated parse to 5.6.0 * Updated python to 3.11.6 Version 5.5.6-0 2023-10-23 * Updated apache to 2.4.58 * Updated parse to 5.5.6 Version 6.3.1-0 2023-10-23 * Updated apache to 2.4.58 * Updated parse to 6.3.1 Version 6.3.0-0-r02 2023-10-18 * Updated render-template to 1.0.6 * Updated wait-for-port to 1.0.7 Version 5.5.5-0-r02 2023-10-16 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.2 * Updated render-template to 1.0.6 * Updated wait-for-port to 1.0.7 Version 6.3.0-0-r01 2023-10-03 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.2 * Updated yq to 4.35.2 Version 5.5.5-0-r01 2023-09-29 * Updated mongodb to 7.0.1 * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.2.0 * Updated yq to 4.35.2 Version 6.3.0-0 2023-09-18 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.10 * Updated parse to 6.3.0 * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.2.0 Version 6.2.2-0 2023-09-07 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.9 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.10.6 * Updated node to 16.20.2 * Updated parse to 6.2.2 * Updated python to 3.9.18 * Updated yq to 4.35.1 Version 5.5.5-0 2023-09-07 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.9 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.10.6 * Updated node to 16.20.2 * Updated parse to 5.5.5 * Updated python to 3.9.18 * Updated yq to 4.35.1 Version 5.5.4-0 2023-07-31 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.8 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.10.2 * Updated parse to 5.5.4 * Updated yq to 4.34.2 Version 6.2.1-0 2023-07-03 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.7 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.10.1 * Updated node to 16.20.1 * Updated parse to 6.2.1 * Updated python to 3.9.17 * Updated yq to 4.34.1 Version 5.5.3-0 2023-07-03 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.7 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.10.1 * Updated node to 16.20.1 * Updated parse to 5.5.3 Version 5.5.1-0-r01 2023-06-29 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.10.0 * Updated python to 3.9.17 Version 5.5.1-0 2023-05-24 * Updated parse to 5.5.1 * Updated yq to 4.34.1 Version 6.2.0-0 2023-05-23 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.6 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.9.0 * Updated parse to 6.2.0 Version 5.5.0-0 2023-05-23 * Removed gosu * Updated mongodb to 6.0.6 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.9.0 * Updated parse to 5.5.0 * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.1.0 * Updated python to 3.9.16 Version 6.1.0-0 2023-05-02 * Removed gosu * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.8.2 * Updated parse to 6.1.0 * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.1.0 * Updated python to 3.9.16 Version 5.4.3-0-r15 2023-04-19 * Maintenance release Version 6.0.0-0-r18 2023-04-19 * Maintenance release Version 5.4.3-0-r13 2023-04-13 * Updated apache to 2.4.57 * Updated yq to 4.33.3 Version 6.0.0-0-r16 2023-04-13 * Updated apache to 2.4.57 * Updated yq to 4.33.3 Version 5.4.3-0-r12 2023-03-30 * Removed setuptools * Removed pip * Removed virtualenv * Removed express-generator * Removed forever * Removed redis * Removed apr * Removed apr-util * Updated apache to 2.4.56 * Removed modsecurity2 * Removed modsecurity * Removed modsecurity-apache * Updated bndiagnostic to 1.0.2 * Removed gonit * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.8.0 * Updated parse to 5.4.3 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.5 * Removed mongodb-database-tools * Updated bncert to 1.1.1 * Updated node to 16.20.0 * Updated yq to 4.33.1 Version 6.0.0-0-r14 2023-03-30 * Removed setuptools * Removed pip * Removed virtualenv * Removed express-generator * Removed forever * Removed redis * Removed apr * Removed apr-util * Removed modsecurity2 * Removed modsecurity * Removed modsecurity-apache * Removed gonit * Removed mongodb-database-tools * Updated node to 16.20.0 Version 6.0.0-14-r13 2023-03-26 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.33.1 Version 6.0.0-13-r12 2023-03-20 * Maintenance release * Updated redis to 7.0.10 Version 6.0.0-12-r11 2023-03-20 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.32.2 Version 6.0.0-10-r09 2023-03-13 * Maintenance release * Updated mongodb to 6.0.5 Version 6.0.0-9-r08 2023-03-13 * Maintenance release * Updated virtualenv to 20.21.0 Version 6.0.0-8-r07 2023-03-07 * Maintenance release * Updated apache to 2.4.56 Version 6.0.0-7-r06 2023-03-02 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.31.2 Version 6.0.0-6-r05 2023-03-01 * Maintenance release * Updated bndiagnostic to 1.0.2 * Updated bncert to 1.1.1 Version 6.0.0-5-r04 2023-03-01 * Maintenance release * Updated virtualenv to 20.20.0 * Updated redis to 7.0.9 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.8.0 Version 6.0.0-2-r03 2023-02-22 * Maintenance release Version 6.0.0-2-r02 2023-02-20 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.31.1 Version 6.0.0-1-r01 2023-02-18 * Maintenance release * Updated node to 16.19.1 Version 6.0.0-0 2023-02-15 * First release for 6 Version 5.4.1-7-r07 2023-02-14 * Maintenance release * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.7.1 Version 5.4.1-6-r06 2023-02-10 * Maintenance release * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.7.0 Version 5.4.1-5-r05 2023-02-08 * Maintenance release * Updated virtualenv to 20.19.0 Version 5.4.1-4-r04 2023-02-07 * Maintenance release * Updated virtualenv to 20.18.0 Version 5.4.1-3-r03 2023-02-06 * Maintenance release Version 5.4.1-3-r02 2023-02-02 * Maintenance release * Updated apr to 1.7.2 * Updated apr-util to 1.6.3 Version 5.4.1-2-r01 2023-02-01 * Maintenance release * Updated apr to 1.7.1 * Updated apr-util to 1.6.2 * Updated node to 16.19.0 Version 5.4.1-0 2023-01-31 * Updated parse to 5.4.1 Version 5.4.0-23-r23 2023-01-27 * Maintenance release Version 5.4.0-23-r22 2023-01-19 * Maintenance release * Updated wait-for-port to 1.0.6 * Updated apache to 2.4.55 * Updated bndiagnostic to 1.0.1 * Updated gonit to 0.2.8 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.4 * Updated render-template to 1.0.5 Version 5.4.0-19-r20 2023-01-16 * Maintenance release * Updated redis to 7.0.8 Version 5.4.0-18-r19 2023-01-15 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.30.8 Version 5.4.0-17-r18 2023-01-14 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.30.7 Version 5.4.0-16-r17 2023-01-09 * Maintenance release * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.6.2 Version 5.4.0-15-r16 2023-01-05 * Maintenance release * Updated modsecurity2 to 2.9.7 Version 5.4.0-14-r15 2022-12-20 * Maintenance release * Updated gosu to 1.16.0 Version 5.4.0-12-r13 2022-12-17 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.30.6 Version 5.4.0-11-r12 2022-12-16 * Maintenance release * Updated redis to 7.0.7 Version 5.4.0-10-r11 2022-12-13 * Maintenance release * Updated redis to 7.0.6 * Updated node to 14.21.2 Version 5.4.0-8-r09 2022-12-10 * Maintenance release Version 5.4.0-8-r08 2022-12-07 * Maintenance release * Updated virtualenv to 20.17.1 * Updated python to 3.8.16 Version 5.4.0-6-r07 2022-12-02 * Maintenance release * Updated virtualenv to 20.17.0 * Updated bndiagnostic to 1.0.0 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.6.1 * Updated parse to 5.4.0 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.3 * Updated bncert to 1.1.0 * Updated yq to 4.30.5 Version 5.3.3-1-r01 2022-11-11 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.30.1 Version 5.3.3-0 2022-11-10 * Updated wait-for-port to 1.0.5 * Updated gonit to 0.2.7 * Updated parse to 5.3.3 * Updated render-template to 1.0.4 Version 5.3.1-0 2022-11-08 * Updated parse to 5.3.1 Version 5.3.0-4-r04 2022-11-05 * Maintenance release * Updated node to 14.21.1 Version 5.3.0-3-r03 2022-11-04 * Force build * Updated parse-dashboard to 5.0.0 Version 5.3.0-2-r02 2022-11-02 * Maintenance release * Updated node to 14.21.0 Version 5.3.0-1-r01 2022-10-31 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.29.2 Version 5.3.0-0 2022-10-30 * Updated parse to 5.3.0 Version 5.2.8-5-r05 2022-10-29 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.29.1 Version 5.2.8-4-r04 2022-10-26 * Maintenance release * Updated virtualenv to 20.16.6 Version 5.2.8-3-r03 2022-10-22 * Maintenance release * Updated bncert to 1.0.3 Version 5.2.8-2-r02 2022-10-19 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.28.2 Version 5.2.8-1-r01 2022-10-16 * Maintenance release * Updated parse-dashboard to 4.2.0 Version 5.2.8-0 2022-10-15 * Updated parse to 5.2.8 Version 5.2.7-4-r04 2022-10-13 * Maintenance release * Updated bncert to 1.0.2 Version 5.2.7-3-r03 2022-10-12 * Maintenance release * Updated python to 3.8.15 Version 5.2.7-2-r02 2022-10-05 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.28.1 Version 5.2.7-1-r01 2022-10-04 * Maintenance release * Updated redis to 7.0.5 * Updated bndiagnostic to 0.9.19 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.2 * Updated node to 14.20.1 * Updated bncert to 1.0.1 Version 5.2.7-0 2022-09-21 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.6.0 * Updated parse to 5.2.7 Version 5.2.6-0 2022-09-20 * Updated virtualenv to 20.16.5 * Updated python to 3.8.14 * Updated modsecurity to 3.0.8 * Updated modsecurity2 to 2.9.6 * Updated parse to 5.2.6 * Updated yq to 4.27.5 Version 5.2.5-0 2022-09-03 * Updated setuptools to 63.4.3 * Updated virtualenv to 20.16.4 * Updated parse to 5.2.5 * Removed nss_wrapper * Removed git * Updated mongodb-database-tools to 100.6.0 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.1 * Updated yq to 4.27.3 Version 5.2.4-3-r15 2022-08-26 * Regenerate /etc/machine-id for each boot Version 5.2.4-3-r14 2022-08-10 * Maintenance release * Updated setuptools to 63.4.2 * Updated virtualenv to 20.16.3 * Updated redis to 7.0.4 * Updated bndiagnostic to 0.9.18 * Removed libmod_pagespeed * Removed libmod_pagespeed_ap24 * Removed mod_pagespeed * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.5.4 * Updated mongodb-database-tools to 100.5.4 * Updated mongodb to 6.0.0 * Updated yq to 4.27.2 Version 5.2.4-2-r13 2022-07-20 * Force new build since image was removed Version 5.2.4-2-r12 2022-07-16 * Maintenance release * Updated yq to 4.26.1 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.5.1 * Updated redis to 7.0.3 * Updated git to 2.37.1 Version 5.2.4-1-r11 2022-07-12 * Maintenance release * Updated redis to 7.0.2 * Updated node to 14.20.0 * Updated bncert to 1.0.0 Version 5.2.4-0-r10 2022-07-05 * Force new revision * Updated parse-dashboard to 4.1.4 * Updated bncert to 0.8.0 Version 5.2.4-0 2022-06-30 * Updated yq to 4.25.3 * Updated parse to 5.2.4 * Updated nss_wrapper to 1.1.12 * Updated git to 2.37.0 * Updated virtualenv to 20.15.1 Version 5.2.3-1-r01 2022-06-20 * bump parse-dashboard * Updated modsecurity to 3.0.7 * Updated apache to 2.4.54 * Updated mongodb-database-tools to 100.5.3 * Updated parse to 5.2.3 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.5.0 * Updated parse-dashboard to 4.1.2 * Updated bncert to 0.7.4 Version 5.2.1-4-r92 2022-05-30 * Updated MongoDB database * Updated yq to 4.25.2 * Updated mongodb to 5.0.9 Version 5.2.1-3-r91 2022-05-20 * Maintenance release * Updated gonit to 0.2.6 * Updated wait-for-port to 1.0.3 * Updated node to 14.19.3 * Updated mongodb-shell to 1.4.2 * Updated git to 2.36.1 * Updated render-template to 1.0.3 Version 5.2.1-1-r90 2022-05-06 * Update base OS to Debian * First release for 5